Karburo zementudun higadura-piezak haridun petrolio eta gasaren industriarako
  • Karburo zementudun higadura-piezak haridun petrolio eta gasaren industriarako
  • Karburo zementudun higadura-piezak
  • Zure eskakizunen arabera pertsonalizatu


Wolframio karburoan espezializatutako fabrika baten jabea gara, ekoitzi ezin ditugun beste hainbat produktu ere hornitzen ditugu. kalitate oneko eta prezio oneneko produktuak lortu nahi dituztenentzako produkturik onenak lortzeko konpromisoa hartu du.

Cemented Carbide Wear Parts  with Thread for the Oil and Gas IndustryCemented Carbide Wear Parts  with Thread for the Oil and Gas Industry

Cemented Carbide Wear Parts  with Thread for the Oil and Gas Industry

Cemented Carbide Wear Parts  with Thread for the Oil and Gas Industry

Cemented Carbide Wear Parts  with Thread for the Oil and Gas Industry

Cemented Carbide Wear Parts  with Thread for the Oil and Gas Industry


Zhuzhou Better Tungsten Carbide Co., Ltd

HELBIDEA:B/V 12-305, Da Han Hui Pu Industrial Park, Zhuzhou hiria, Txina.
Mugikorra:+86 18173392980
Posta elektronikoa:zzbt@zzbetter.com   
Whatsapp/Wechat:+86 181 7339 2980

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