• High Abrasive Water jet Cutting Nozzle Waterjet Focusing Tube
High Abrasive Water jet Cutting Nozzle Waterjet Focusing Tube
  • Material: Tungsten Carbide
  • Hardness: >96HRA
  • Life Time: 100-200 hours
  • Application: Cutting Hard Materials(Thick Plastic,Metals, Stone)


Tha sealbh againn air factaraidh a tha speisealaichte ann an tungsten carbide, bidh sinn cuideachd a’ toirt seachad mòran thoraidhean eile nach urrainn dhuinn dèanamh. dealasach a thaobh goireasan bathar as fheàrr airson a tha ag iarraidh a 'faighinn deagh chàileachd agus bathar prìs as fheàrr.


Descriptions of Zzbetter Waterjet Abrasive Nozzles:

Waterjet abrasive cutting nozzle is used for hard materials like thick plastic,metals and stone. Superior wear resistance, of course, means a reduction in the number of nozzles purchased over time. But longer life also means nozzles maintain an optimum jet pattern and velocity longer. This allows faster average cutting speeds and significantly reduced system downtime for nozzle re-placement and system calibration. It also means greater dimensional accuracy and the ability to perform longer, uninterrupted cuts. These performance enhancements combine to make the entire cutting process more cost-effective.

Features of Zzbetter Waterjet Abrasive Nozzles:

Low Cost Per Hour
Low Water And Abrasive Consumption
High Cutting Speed
High Cutting Precision
Continuous Cuts
Long Working Life

Parameters of Zzbetter Waterjet Abrasive Nozzles:

Material: Tungsten Carbide

Hardness: >96HRA.

Life time: 100-200 hours

Application: Cutting Hard Materials(Thick Plastic,Metals, Stone)


Zhuzhou Better Tungsten Carbide Co., Ltd

Seòladh:B/V 12-305, Da Han Hui Pu Industrial Park, Zhuzhou City, Sìona.
Fòn:+86 18173392980
Whatsapp / Wechat:+86 181 7339 2980

Feuch an cuir thu teachdaireachd agus gheibh sinn air ais thugad!