• Akwa hardness tungsten carbide oyi ọkpọ anwụ anwụ maka oyi forging pịa bolt oyi na-aga anwụ na nut mbụ
  • Akwa hardness tungsten carbide oyi ọkpọ anwụ anwụ maka oyi forging pịa bolt oyi na-aga anwụ na nut mbụ
  • Akwa hardness tungsten carbide oyi ọkpọ anwụ anwụ maka oyi forging pịa bolt oyi na-aga anwụ na nut mbụ
  • Akwa hardness tungsten carbide oyi ọkpọ anwụ anwụ maka oyi forging pịa bolt oyi na-aga anwụ na nut mbụ
  • Akwa hardness tungsten carbide oyi ọkpọ anwụ anwụ maka oyi forging pịa bolt oyi na-aga anwụ na nut mbụ
  • Akwa hardness tungsten carbide oyi ọkpọ anwụ anwụ maka oyi forging pịa bolt oyi na-aga anwụ na nut mbụ
  • Akwa hardness tungsten carbide oyi ọkpọ anwụ anwụ maka oyi forging pịa bolt oyi na-aga anwụ na nut mbụ
  • Akwa hardness tungsten carbide oyi ọkpọ anwụ anwụ maka oyi forging pịa bolt oyi na-aga anwụ na nut mbụ
Akwa hardness tungsten carbide oyi ọkpọ anwụ anwụ maka oyi forging pịa bolt oyi na-aga anwụ na nut mbụ
  • Ihe onwunwe: ungsten carbide WC+CO
  • Ọkwa:YG8 YG10 YG6 Ma ọ bụ ọkwa ọzọ ị chọrọ
  • Rịọ ihe nlele efu


Anyị nwere ụlọ ọrụ mmepụta ihe pụrụ iche na tungsten carbide, anyị na-enyekwa ọtụtụ ngwaahịa ndị ọzọ anyị enweghị ike imepụta. gbalịsiri ike nweta ngwaahịa kacha mma maka ndị chọrọ inweta ezigbo mma na ngwaahịa ọnụahịa kacha mma.

Tungsten Carbide Cold Heading Dies For Bolt And NutTungsten Carbide Cold Heading Dies For Bolt And Nut

Kedu ihe nwere atụmatụ nke carbide ebu?
Tungsten carbide anwụ nwere arụmọrụ n'etiti the ngwá ọrụ na-ewu ihe n'etiti ceramik na elu-ọsọ ígwè, nwere a n'ozuzu arụmọrụ nke elu
ike, elu ike, elu njupụta, corrosion eguzogide, elu okpomọkụ oxidation iguzogide na ala ọnụọgụ nke mgbasawanye. Ogologo ndụ ya dị okpukpu iri
ma ọ bụ ọbụna ọtụtụ ugboro n'elu ígwè.

Kedu ihe eji tungsten carbide heading die?

Kwesịrị ekwesị maka isi oyi na ịkụ ọkpọ oyi nke akụkụ ọkọlọtọ nke ọla kọpa, aluminum, steel, alloy steel, skru, rivets, wdg, nwere isi oyi dị larịị na-anwụ,

countersunk isi oyi na-atụ na-anwụ, mbụ ịtụ ọkpọ anwụ, mkpọda osisi anwụ na ndị ọzọ nkịtị.

Kedu uru anyị bara?

1.Using 99.95% high-purity tungsten carbide powder and cobalt,

2. isi ike nke isi oyi na-anwụ anwụ dị n'elu HRA88, na ike na-ehulata dị n'elu 2400.

3.It nwere magburu onwe red hardness, elu na-eyi na-eguzogide, elu na-agbanwe modulus, mmetụta eguzogide maka elu ekwe ike.

4.Họrọ ọkwa kwesịrị ekwesị dị ka iji onye ahịa na-eme ihe n'ezie na ihe a ga-edozi.

5.The nkọwa zuru ezu, nke siri ike size bụ nke ziri ezi, a na-ebelata olu nhazi, na arụmọrụ na ọnụ ahịa dị mma.

6.free samples / Nkwado customization

High hardness tungsten carbide cold punching die for cold forging press bolt cold heading die and nut formerHigh hardness tungsten carbide cold punching die for cold forging press bolt cold heading die and nut former

Aha ngwaahịa

Tungsten carbide oyi na-aga anwụ

Ihe onwunwe

Tungsten carbide  WC+CO

Ọgwụgwọ elu

Achachapụrụ ma ọ bụ oghere


YG8 YG10 YG6  Or other grade you want




Na-adịgide adịgide  Elu na-eguzogide


ZZBetter  /  UBT



High hardness tungsten carbide cold punching die for cold forging press bolt cold heading die and nut formerHigh hardness tungsten carbide cold punching die for cold forging press bolt cold heading die and nut formerHigh hardness tungsten carbide cold punching die for cold forging press bolt cold heading die and nut formerHigh hardness tungsten carbide cold punching die for cold forging press bolt cold heading die and nut formerHigh hardness tungsten carbide cold punching die for cold forging press bolt cold heading die and nut formerHigh hardness tungsten carbide cold punching die for cold forging press bolt cold heading die and nut former


Ụgwọ nke ụlọ ọrụ Zhuzhou Better Tungsten Carbide Co., Ltd

Adreesị:B/V 12-305, Da Han Hui Pu Industrial Park, Obodo Zhuzhou, China.
Ekwentị:+86 18173392980
WhatsApp/Wechat:+86 181 7339 2980

Zitere anyị akwụkwọ ozi
Biko zitere anyị ozi anyị ga-alaghachikwute gị!