Tungsten Carbide Wear Inserts for Downhole Tool Dressing - 副本
  • Material: tungten carbide
  • Application: disc cutter, agriculture, mining, tool joints, for wear-resista
  • Request FREE Sample


ჩვენ ვფლობთ ქარხანას, რომელიც სპეციალიზირებულია ვოლფრამის კარბიდზე, ასევე ვაწვდით ბევრ სხვა პროდუქტს, რომელსაც ვერ ვაწარმოებთ. ერთგულია რესურსების საუკეთესო პროდუქტებისთვის, ვისაც სურს მიიღოს კარგი ხარისხის და საუკეთესო ფასის პროდუქტები.

Tungsten Carbide Wear Inserts for Downhole Tool Dressing

Tungsten Carbide Wear Inserts for Downhole Tool Dressing

What is tungsten Tungsten Carbide Wear Inserts?

Tungsten carbide wear inserts, also known as tungsten carbide cutting inserts or cemented carbide inserts, are a type of tool used in cutting and machining applications. They are made from a combination of tungsten carbide, which is a hard and durable material, and a binder metal such as cobalt.

What is the application of Tungsten Carbide Wear Inserts?

Tungsten carbide wear inserts are widely used in various industries, including manufacturing, mining, construction, and metalworking. They are typically used in cutting tools such as drills, milling cutters, and turning inserts. These inserts are known for their high hardness, wear resistance, and ability to withstand high temperatures.

Tungsten Carbide Wear Inserts for Downhole Tool Dressing

Zhuzhou better tungsten carbide produces different shape of tungsten carbide inserts for downhole drilling needs. Our grades are engineered to enhance your productivity and efficiency. Common applications are stabilizers, junk mills, under-reaming blades, casing exit tools, and thru-tubing mills. Our wide variety of Tungsten Carbide Inserts are available in the following shapes :

Round & half-round







Tungsten Carbide Wear Inserts for Downhole Tool Dressing

Tungsten Carbide Wear Inserts for Downhole Tool DressingTungsten Carbide Wear Inserts for Downhole Tool Dressing

Tungsten Carbide Wear Inserts for Downhole Tool Dressing

TypePart No.Dimensions (inches)
Dia. / WidthThick. / HeightLength
RoundBW0010.366  3/16/
BW002 3/8 1/4/
Half RoundBW0030.366  3/16/
BW004 3/8 1/4/
8-SidedBW005 1/4  3/16/
BW006 3/8 1/4/
SquareBW007 3/8  3/16/
StarBW008  3/16  3/16/
BW009 1/4 1/4/
BW010  5/16  5/16/
BW011 3/8 3/8/
PyramidBW0120.2380.370 /
RectangleBW01312/97 1/51
BW014 1/8 1/5 1/2
BW015 3/8 1/4 1/2
BW016 3/8 3/8 1/4

Tungsten Carbide Wear Inserts for Downhole Tool Dressing

Tungsten Carbide Wear Inserts for Downhole Tool Dressing

Tungsten Carbide Wear Inserts for Downhole Tool Dressing


Zhuzhou Better ვოლფრამის კარბიდი Co., Ltd

მისამართი:B/V 12-305, Da Han Hui Pu Industrial Parkჟუჟოუ, ჩინეთი.
ტელეფონი:+86 18173392980
Whatsapp/Wechat:+86 181 7339 2980

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